STUDONE | Graphic Designer Negeri Sembilan

About Us

Let know more about Studone Enterprise Vision and Mission

Who We Are?

We are a business with a mission to increase student entrepreneurship through service and product offerings. We believe that through freelancing and affiliate marketer the student can develop their soft-skill and hard-skill

Student Empowerment
Cheapest Service in the city
Cheapest printing in the city

Our Client Says

Our Management team

I have a big vision to help in empower the student through the power of entrepreneurship. I believed that every student should be given a chance to experience a first hand on how exciting is the world of business through entrepreneurship.  Studone Enterprise is the business that start from my university subject, and right now might be a work of my life.


  • Reduce a bureaucracy cost of business
  • Increase opportunity to student
  • Give back to the society

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